Wagner College Electronic Thesis Collection Dublin Core Title Wagner College Electronic Thesis Collection Description Full text access to Wagner College theses in PDF format. Collection Items The value of community-university partnerships for quality afterschool programming Colitz, Tatum The influence of Curriculum Based Reader's Theater on science students' performance on in-class assessments Giglia, Gina Teacher attitudes towards inclusion in early childhood classroom settings Kilgannon, Katie The impact of teachers exploring students' culture Townson, Samantha Utilizing self-reflective practices to create a classroom environment sensitive to gender diversity Chartier, Amanda Developing reflective educators Johnsen, Emilie Helping students become diverse learners through Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory McComiskey, Elizabeth Engaging families in language development McGrath, Deirdre Addressing family diversity: creating a LGBTQ inclusive program for early childhood educators Figuly, Jessica A study of teacher engagement in a dual language program Bauer, Alexandra How hispanic parent practices developed through an after school literacy program impact language development practices at home Gomez, Christine Children's transitions to new programs: a collaborative approach Kouretsos, Caroline View all 29 items